Well What exactly is this concept we call success? Is it having a lot of money? Is it living in a nice house? Is it owning an expensive car or perhaps wearing nice clothes? The answer to all of these questions is "not exactly."
After all, success is not an exact thing. Attaining success and being successful can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. What one person may consider to be successful may not be to someone else. And vice versa. OK then, what in the heck is success?
Success for each person can only be determined solely by that individual. Each person must develop his or her own measuring stick for quantifying his or her own personal achievement.
You and only you get to determine what success means to you and even more importantly, the level of success you achieve in life. This determination may not necessarily pertain to money and things, but may instead focus on the degree of your happiness and contentment in life.
One thing is for certain however. Regardless of your connotation of success, there is little doubt that the key to being successful is consistently doing your best, working towards the goals you have established for yourself and most of all, doing what you love to do with your life.
Without question, passionately pursuing those things that drive you, excite you and set you on fire is the key to your long term personal growth and success.
Success is not some elusive illusion that you only get to fantasize about. Not at all. Success is your destiny on earth. You were put here for a reason, it?s just up to you to find that reason and then make it happen. And finding that reason simply requires that you listen to ? and then follow ? your heart.
When you finally take control of your life and accept 100% responsibility for who you are, where you are going, how you are going to get there and when you are going arrive ? your Countdown to Success begins.
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